
Do the Work!

Sure, sometimes it may seem like I'm bullying you in my workouts...yeah, just a bit! But that just means I'm helping you to create major results. And the truth is working out is hard to do — hey, even I have admitted before I don't love it! But the truth is it's the number form of preventive medicine and dramatically affects your hormone balance. I want you sweating, stretching, and pushing yourself. Don't just give up and not do the work that gets you to the results you want.
Here is what one of my online team member says about creating a solution to get up to get her workouts done and NOT hitting the snooze button.
I totally hear you... it is hard hard hard. I fought it really hard too — I didn't want to get up, or I would set my alarm so I could hit snooze. Here was my solution: I bought the loudest alarm I could, a cheap-o $10 one that buzzes really really anoyingly. It's plugged in on the other side of the room. When it goes off, I have to get out of bed, walk across the room to shut it. No snooze, I go right to my bathroom and spalsh water on my face. Workout clothes right there — I look at them and think how happy I will be AFTER the workout. Fight the urge, don't look at the bed. Go into my living room and it's all set — my yoga mat is out, my weights are set out, I've just gotta turn on the DVD for Jillian's video and go.
I feel GREAT the whole rest of the day — a huge change in stress load, it's like I worked it all out of my body!

Try it out and let me know if it works for you! good luck! – BigGoals

Can I Exercise When I'm Sick?

Q: Should you work out when you have a cold? Anything special to keep in mind?
The rule of thumb for exercising while sick is called the above/below-the-neck rule. If your symptoms appear above the neck (runny nose, sneezing, sore throat), then yes, you can continue with a low-intensity workout. Studies have shown that exercising at a moderate-intensity level does not intensify cold symptoms or compromise the immune system. Avoid high-intensity exercise, such as heavy weight lifting and high-intensity aerobic training, which has been shown to have a negative impact on the immune system during a cold or any respiratory infection.
If your symptoms are below the neck (diarrhea, intense coughing, vomiting, fever), then the American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest you let your illness run its course before resuming physical activity.


Hormones And Weight Loss

So you know my book, Master Your Metabolism, is all about hormones and how you can balance them. But you might wonder, "What do hormones have to do with anything?" Let me explain.

If I were to ask you what your metabolism is, what would you say? I bet you would answer, "The way my body burns calories." If so, you would be wrong. That's one of the key things your metabolism does. But I'm asking whether you know what it is.

The answer is hormones! Your metabolism is your biochemistry. Some hormones tell you you're hungry; some tell you you're full. When you eat, hormones tell your body what to do with that food — whether to store it or burn it as fuel. And when you exercise, hormones tell your body how to move and consume energy stores, and how to boost or shut down different body parts. Hormones control almost every aspect of how we gain weight — and how we can lose it.

The endocrine system — the group of organs and glands responsible for releasing hormones that regulate key bodily functions — is sometimes compared to an orchestra. Each hormone is like an instrument. Playing together, in tune, they sound amazing. But what happens if, right in the middle of a concert, a violin suddenly goes wildly astray, twanging on its own? And then a clarinet starts shrieking? And then the pianist can't keep up? The music would sound like crap, right?

It's exactly the same with your metabolism. Your body can't work the way it's supposed to if any of your hormones is out of tune. Once one goes, they all follow. That's why you can't just focus on one hormone at a time when you're trying to balance your hormones — you have to work to get them all in tune and playing in the right key again.


p/s: Previous post was my 100 posts! for the record.


Hi, people.. Macam mana diet?

:D diet i entah ke mana2. Sekarang tengah betulkan balik.
minyak canola pn dah beli. hahah. hari2 untuk dinner nak masak sayur-->tolong lah biar angan2 ini jadi kenyataan. Selalu i makan biskut bodo2. Roti!! sapu jam lagi!! salah3!
rasanya skarang hari basuh baju pun kena kuatkan smangat exercise la.
dia ni klu basuh baju je dah kire kerja berat takmo buat benda lain dah.
i tiba2 takde story apa, masuk2 merepek je. basuh baju kan gerak tangan je.
lenguh jugak la pinggang, tbongkok2 bilas, t'bongkok2 nak sidai. aiihhh tak suka!
tp ape boleh buat...

skipping 300 x per day pun dah ke mana2.

sebenarnye saje je nak share satu quote ni, dari orang yg join diet kt web kakak jillian kita.

never give up! Your journey begins today and continues for the rest of your life. This is not just about weight loss — it’s about discovering the person you want to be and making all your dreams come true. Stay the course and you will see your body and mind change in ways you never knew were possible!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away."

Good luck to everybody. Selagi tak mati kita kena on healthy diet jugak walaupun dah kurus.

Bak kata kakak Jillian lagi..
"Unless You Puke!! Faint or Die!! Keep Working!!"


Dealing With Weight-Loss Plateaus

Q: How can I bust through a weight-loss plateau? I've been working really hard and have been having success; however, the scale hasn't budged for the past two and a half weeks.

Let me just tell you this, a weight-loss plateau is an integral part of weight loss. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! It is your body's way of protecting you for survival purposes. The weight-loss plateau occurs because your body thinks there is a famine and has slowed your metabolism in order to conserve calories. This will happen periodically throughout your weight-loss odyssey.

That said, a plateau will usually break on its own after about three weeks, but here are several ways to help get your metabolism back on track quickly!

Exercise Tips

1. Variety: Often we fall into an exercise routine — meaning that we do the same workout regimen for weeks at a time. Think of it like this: if you do 10 push-ups after not working out for months, you will be sore, but if you do 10 push-ups a day for 10 days in a row, you will no longer be sore. This is because your body adapts to your exercise program, and as it adapts, the workout becomes less challenging — and, unfortunately, less effective.

The solution is variety. You have to mix up your exercise routine in order to consistently shock your system. Here are a few different ways to mix up your workout:

Alternate the weight — one week lift heavy, and the next week lift light.

Change the number of repetitions. This usually goes hand in hand with the amount of weight you are lifting: one week heavy weights, low reps; the next week light weights, high reps.

Change the exercise: One week do a chest press, the next week a chest fly, and the next week push-ups.

2. Intensity: The best way to speed up your metabolism is to boost the intensity of your training. By picking up the intensity, you'll burn more calories, challenge your body, and literally force your metabolism to burn a little brighter because of all the energy your body needs to complete your exercise regimen.

Food Tips

1. Eat more: Ninety percent of the time plateaus are caused by your body's survival mechanism of protecting against famine, which is triggered by calorie reduction. The best way to fix this quickly is to give your body a little more food so it feels secure. Varying your calorie intake is my best advice for keeping your body from plateauing: For the next three days vary your calorie intake between 1,800 and 2,400 calories. I know this may sound crazy, but trust me...I know what I'm doing. Then, after three days, drop back down to the calorie allowance that I have set for you through this program.

2. Reduce your sodium and DRINK LOTS OF WATER: Keep your sodium under 1,500 mg a day at most for as long as you can manage. You can achieve this in part by cutting all processed food out of your diet for two weeks.

I promise you that if you follow these tips to the letter, your plateau will be shattered by the end of week 2!



Understanding Insulin Resistance

People, come on read this. So important. About why u cant take only sugar junks and keep going take it. Macam kak Rahimah ajar. hehe. tapi dia terangkan dengan lebih mudah. ni Jillian's article.

We heard a lot about insulin in the days of low-carb diets. And for good reason. Problems with insulin are a root cause of some of the most dangerous health conditions, as insulin affects almost every cell in the body.

Insulin plays a critical role in how your body uses food. Its most important role is to lower the concentration of glucose in your blood. When you eat, your digestive system breaks food down into glucose, and the glucose recirculates in your blood stream. In response to the rise in glucose after a meal, the pancreas releases surges of insulin, whose job is to clean the glucose from the blood. Some of the glucose is diverted into the liver, where it's converted into stored glucose, called glycogen, for later use by the muscles. Insulin then helps turn any leftover glucose into fatty acids and stores them in fat cells where they can be tapped later for fuel.

By making poor food choices, like scarfing down too many highly processed, refined carbs (like white bread and pasta!), we can do things to cause our bodies to create too much insulin. When you repeat that cycle too many times (like by repeatedly eating sugary junk on an empty stomach) your pancreas will overcompensate and produce more insulin, which your cells will eventually start to ignore. This is called insulin resistance and it is the precursor to type 2 diabetes and it is common in overweight people. Turned away at the door, the sugar is left with no where to go. If it hangs around in your blood too long, doctors call this impaired fasting glucose (if measured in the morning) or impaired glucose tolerance (if measured two hours after a meal). You could develop full-blown diabetes if both conditions go unchecked.

While high levels of blood glucose trigger insulin release, low levels suppress it, Maintaining low levels of insulin — one of the primary goals of the diet — allows your body to more easily tap in to your stored fat for fuel. Conversely, being insulin-resistant can hamper your weight-loss efforts. Try to avoid spikes in your blood sugar, by eating regularly. Pair carbs with protein, eat whole foods, avoid sugar juices and fruits, and highly-processed carbs. When your insulin-release mechanism works the right way, it helps keep your weight in check. So strive to keep it balanced!


Drop the Fear of Looking Stupid

Okay, I know I don't need to tell you that exercise is absolutely crucial to getting and staying healthy. Still, I can't tell you how many people tell me that they aren't working out because they are afraid they'll look stupid, they fear trying something new, or, well, any other number of things you can think of. These are fears you NEED to get over. Your attitude creates your reality, so it's crucial to have the right one. The power is in your mind, so if you have negative thoughts about your self-image, if you lack confidence, or if you feel hopeless that you'll ever lose weight, you're still at square one. If you constantly tell yourself you're not capable of working out, then you're always going to feel stupid…and eventually you'll give up. But if you harness your mental power with positive thoughts that you CAN do this, and WILL do this, guess what — you will.

If working out is new to you, empower yourself with knowledge — use the site to learn the proper exercise techniques and form. If you've set your mind to do it, get the skills and you'll feel more comfortable. Start off by trying the workouts from my site or DVDs at home. Doing it home first is the most basic way of getting the moves down before you try them in a public setting. Afraid of looking dumb in front of your family? Hello — they're your family! Let's be honest — they've probably seen you look a lot sillier.

Now, if you're terrified of going to the gym, do it anyway. I understand that a gym can be a bit overwhelming the first time you go. But trust me, everyone has a first time stepping through those doors. Everybody has felt weird about lifting the weights in front of the muscle men, moving on the elliptical for the first time, or even signing up for a class. If you're worried about what you like to other people there, forget it. People are so concentrated what they're doing, in all likelihood they're not paying ANY attention to you. If you're still worried about it, go at a time when the machines are less crowded or meet for a session with a trainer (many gyms offer free introductory training sessions). The important thing is to know that feeling of intimidation will fade. Never be a quitter.

As you keep working out and becoming stronger, you will become aware of your strength — not just in the gym, but in other aspects of your life. Trust me, this will be a major boost to your confidence level and it will change your frame your mind for the better. It's all baby steps, but they make a big difference over time. Keep working out, stop feeling stupid, and start feeling great!
