
Blowing Balloon, Lady Bird Brand ;D

Itu kot nama belon ni sebab tertulis kat pack dia camtu. ;)

Dari 2-3 minggu lepas teringat belon ni, dah cari kat banyak kedai runcit. tak jumpa pun.
Rindu la nak main. ;P kui2. Pagi tadi sebelum pegi keje plak tu tiup! haha. siap sempat amik gambar. Puas hati! tapi time tiup n lambung2 belon tu teringat adik2. huhu :( rindu plak.

dulu kan main sama2. tiup besar2. ada yg kecik2. pastu cantum2 jd bentuk teddybear.
agak2 nak cari gaduh, penyek kan belon diorang. ;p

dah kecik belon ni. :( 1 harga dia 20 sen. dulu 10 sen.

chinese boy cashier tu cakap sebab skarang kita dah besar, kita nampak dia kecik la. hmm donno la. dah lebih 10tahun kot tak penah tengok belon ni.

see. how beautiful. selain belon buih main time mandi, ktorang main belon ni la.
sukee sgt! baju t sabah borneo belakang tu kak su my housemate beli kan. tq! :)


Carving Sugary Sweets

Next week maybe dah start "cuti2" klu ikut perkiraan. Tanda2 seminggu sebelum telah nampak, seperti jerawat kat dagu yg baru ni sangat huduh. Rasa nak makan macam2! Kejap2 lapa!
Teringin macam2 especially all these sugary sweets.

Baru tau kewujudan Kek choc Daim. Yela mane penah pegi IKEA kat The Curve tu. Ni pun baca dari blog Mia. My friend's cousin. Terus teringin. Nampak yummyyy nak pengsan.
nak jugak! :(

Slurrrrpp..!!~~ T_T Please anybody tell me yg cake ni tak sedap but dont lie!

Indulgence. ^_^ ini bile2 boleh dapat. baru ni dapat free. BANYAK plak tu makan! tak cukup piring sendiri, habiskan yg liana punye plak! hahaha. ni tak rasa nak makan sangat, just letak sebab gambar dia cantik.

owhhh ini pun dari SR! ohh ohh~ help

Big Apple Donuts!
Yang kat bawah ni hari tu gi cameron highlands, makan kat tempat strawberry agro park kot. ape tah nama tempat, baru lagi. 6tahun dulu pegi tak de lagi tempat ni. Ktorang share2, jangan ingat cik naz makan sorang plak. haru betui.

ini yang paling mengancam! tengok pun drooling je.

ni scone, gambar buruk. tercaptured dekat sangat. dah makan separuh lak tu. Sedap! Panas2! Letak whipped cream, butter skit and homemade strawberry jem! uhuhh~~ heaven u! first time try, dulu kecik2 mane reti makan scones. Tengok pun tak penah. Dah besar2 macam2 nak. Sebab tu BESAAAARR je dia.

Khasiat Limau Nipis

Khasiat Limau Nipis
Rasa masam pada limau nipis dan semua jenis limau lainnya, berperanan pembuang toksin terbesar dibandingkan buah-buah lain. Rasa masam dan unsur pectin yang terkandung di dalamnya membantu menghilangkan racun-racun dalam tubuh. Jika ingin melakukan pembuangan toksin, anda boleh minum segelas besar air yang ditambah dengan perahan limau nipis setiap pagi kemudian diikuti dengan segelas besar air putih setiap jam berikutnya. Jika tidak tahan dengan rasa masamnya, limau nipis boleh digantikan dengan limau biasa.
Kadang-kadang proses pembuangan toksin diikuti dengan keluarnya gejala seperti kulit kering atau SAKIT KEPALA. Gejala ini berjalan seiring dengan keluarnya racun dari tubuh dan keadaan ini adalah wajar. Namun jika tidak yakin, anda mesti mendapatkan nasihat doktor. Selain itu, disarankan agar tidak memakan limau nipis untuk membuang toksin ketika tubuh tidak sihat kerana keadaan ini boleh memburukkan lagi kesihatan anda.
Tingkat daya tahan tubuh . Menurut buku Food That Harm Food That Heal, meminum air limau ini sebiji sehari, akan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dari serangan virus. Vitamin C yang tinggi dari buah ini akan menyediakan antioksidan untuk menjinakkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Sementara sejumlah mineral, potasium di alamnya bermanfaat untuk membantu mengatur tekanan darah dan fungsi jantung, serta vital untuk memelihara kelenturan otot dan memperlancar sistem saraf.
Selagi tidak disebabkan oleh jangkitan di tekak atau jangkitan paru yang parah, limau nipis berkesan untuk menghilangkan batuk. Ini kerana beberapa kandungan mineral yang penting pada limau nipis seperti kalsium, pospor, potasium dan besi. Seperti diketahui, besi adalah suatu antioksidan.
Potasium menyeimbangkan tekanan darah menguatkan fungsi jantung. Ada pun pospor memperbaiki metabolisme tubuh. Kombinasi vitamin C dan beberapa mineral tersebut sudah tentu berkesan untuk mengatasi gangguan ringan pada tubuh, seperti masuk angin, yang menyebabkan batuk. Secara tradisional, penggunaan limau nipis sebagai ubat batuk adalah cukup dengan membelah sebiji limau nipis dan dituangkan dengan sedikit kicap di atas hirisan limau tersebut, lalu diperah ke dalam mulut. Penggunaan kicap itu sendiri tidak jelas tujuannya.
Mungkin kicap digunakan untuk mengseimbangkan rasa masam yang sangat kuat dari limau nipis. Kicap dipilih kerana rasa manis yang ditimbulkan juga tidak setajam rasa manis pada gula yang boleh merangsang munculnya batuk. Kombinasi semacam ini umum dijumpai pada ubat-ubat dijual di kedai-kedai ubat Cina.


Gong Xi Fa Cai! Xin Nien Kuai Le'!^_^

Ni hao ma? ;p
Zhu Ni Meng Xin Nien Kuai Le'!
Haha merapu naz. sob2. Naz dah lupa banyak chinese mandarin words.
Xiau zhang and Lau se' I mesti sedih. huhu.
Lau se', dui bu qi!!!
Wo hui hao2 du hua yu againnnn!!
Cakap pun tak betui n dont have confident anymore!
Owhh miss all my peng you! wo heng xian nien ni!!
Yang penting sangat adalah nak balik rumah petang ni. oh sungguh tak sabar.
smoga Allah permudahkan perjalanan pulang hari ini.
Love u all, take care. Drive carefully. :)
Xie xie.
Zhai Jien.

5 Foods A Woman Should NEVER Eat

The foods you should never eat are deserving of their own list too, doncha think? But I’ve done one better on this particular list. While I’ve named the culprit in disturbing your peace (health and weight), I’ve also named the hero in restoring your well-being (begin applause now).

Let’s get right to business then and get rolling with this list. If you stick with me, you’ll know how to dodge these negative nutritional bullets and make better choices at the grocery store and when dining out.

Culprit #1: Deep-Fried Anything
Sorry, but if you order deep fried, make deep fried or even use the words deep fried, you might as well look for a cardiologist at the same time. Deep frying is positively the worst possible choice for having anything prepared. And don’t let the words, “lightly fried” fool you either, as in tempura! It’s all wickedness!

Hero #1: Sauteed for Flavor
This cooking technique uses minimal oil (preferably olive oil) and gives your food the flavor and complexity you’re looking for. I sauté my green beans after steaming them in olive oil (not virgin, that’s too fine an oil for heat), a lot of fresh garlic, a little sea salt and a liberal grinding of fresh pepper. Unbelievable taste with very little fat and no bad fat, either.

Culprit #2: White Bread
Thud. Did you hear that? That’s the sound of white bread landing in your gullet. It’s squishy, gooey and gluey and it’s adhering to the sides of your intestines, do you feel it? Blech. Considering the negative nutrition associated with denatured flour, why would anyone make that choice in this enlightened century? Lose the white bread already!

Hero #2: Sprouted Wheat Bread
Okay, check this out. When you sprout grain, then make it into bread, not only is a lot easier on your digestion, it’s packed full of nutrients traditional bread doesn’t have! Consider this nugget: your body looks at sprouted grain as veggies, not starch! That’s good news if your thighs sprout inches just by eating a sandwich with two pieces of bread!

Culprit #3: Shortening and/or Margarine
Solidified fats get that way through a process called hydrogenation, which in turn, makes a multitude of sins called trans fats. Yes, we’ve all heard how bad trans fats are, right? Well, not only does margarine lower your HDL (good cholesterol) it also raises the bad (LDL). Ixnay all the way on margarine (and it’s evil twin shortening…which is essentially unflavored margarine).

Hero #3: Butter
Hallelujah and pass the butter already! Butter, though a definite saturated fat, will raise your good cholesterol unlike margarine. Just use it very moderately. Try Better Butter: half unsalted butter and half extra virgin olive oil whipped together and kept in the fridge in a covered dish. Just like soft spread margarine only 300 times better!

Culprit #4: White Rice
Oh. My. Gosh. Are you really still eating white rice? This depiction of a grain is full of nothingness. The fiber is missing, the B vitamins are virtually unheard of and the glycemic load will take you one step closer to Type 2 Diabetes, if that’s your go-to carb! Dismiss this!

Hero #4: Brown Rice
With three times the amount of fiber, more B vitamins as well as other nutrients, the carb load on brown rice is much easier on your body and a smaller amount will satiate, too. What’s not to love about that, especially if you’re trying to lose a few pounds?

Culprit #5: White Sugar
To quote Gomer Pyle, “Surprise, surprise, surprise.” I bet you knew sugar would be on the list, didn’t you? How can it not. Did you know that consuming white sugar will actually stun your white blood cells from doing their important health preserving work? Yes, sugar impacts your immune system! It doesn’t just eat your teeth and add to your belly fat, it disrupts immune function. Repent from your sugar eating ways and return to the healthy fold!

Hero #5: Dark Chocolate and Fruit
You thought I was going to list alternative or artificial sweeteners, didn’t you? Studies have shown that people who consume diet drinks tend to gain weight doing so. Why is this? The hypothesis is you can’t fool your body like you think — if it tastes sweet, your body may still react to it and gain weight.

Stinks, doesn’t it? But we need to LOSE our sweet teeth, people! That’s the problem, not finding the golden panacea that tastes just like sugar. If you want something sweet, have some fruit and an ounce of very dark chocolate (FULL of phytonutrients, yay!) Once you get over your addiction to sugar, this decadent treat (a bowl of fresh raspberries with melted dark chocolate drizzled over the top) will knock you flat. You’ll happily say NO to donuts!That’s it for now, y’all!

Stay tuned… there is always more to come!



Kenapa sedu??

Semasa bulan-bulan pertama selepas kelahirannya, adalah biasa jika melihat si kecil anda kerap tersedu.

Ketahui kenapa bayi kerap tersedu, bila anda perlu ke doktor dan kongsi petua untuk menghilangkannya...

Semasa bulan-bulan pertama umur bayi, adalah biasa jika melihat si kecil kerap tersedu. Ia berlaku biasanya selepas bayi menyusu atau makan dan ketika dia berasa sangat teruja. Ada juga pendapat yang mengatakan ia ada kena-mengena dengan perubahan cuaca.

Biasanya ia berlaku beberapa minit sahaja, dan kadang-kadang mungkin juga sehingga beberapa jam. Gejala ini akan berkurangan seiring dengan pertambahan usia bayi.

Bayi Tersedu Daripada Dalam Rahim Lagi

Sedu boleh berlaku bermula minggu keenam selepas konsepsi, sekalipun pergerakan pernafasan belum muncul ketika itu. Ini boleh dilihat melalui imbasan ultrasound. Teorinya, pengecutan menyediakan otot-otot respiratori bayi belum lahir untuk bernafas selepas dilahirkan.

Pengkaji yang diketuai oleh Christian Straus dari sebuah Hospital di Paris mengesyaki tabiat tersedu membantu mamalia belajar menyusu kerana siri pergerakan semasa menetek mirip tersedu dengan glotis tertutup rapat bagi mengelakkan susu memasuki paru-paru.


Video menunjukkan ultrasound bayi tersedu di dalam kandungan.

Kenapa Manusia Tersedu

Apabila kita menarik nafas, diafram (otot yang membantu kita bernafas) tertarik ke bawah untuk membantu udara masuk ke paru-paru. Tetapi ada ketikanya, proses ini terganggu. Apabila ini berlaku, diafram membuat pergerakan menarik ke bawah dalam keadaan tersentap. Oleh itu, udara berebut-rebut masuk dan melanggar kotak suara anda. Maka terhasillah bunyi hik, hik.

Adakah Bayi Akan Rasa Terganggu?

Walaupun ibubapa akan rasa risau, namun sebenarnya ia tidak begitu mengganggu atau menyakitkan bayi. Ibu boleh terus memberikan bayi susu atau makan serta bermain seperti biasa. Ia tidak akan membuatkan bayi tercekik.

Bila Perlu ke Doktor

Jika sedu ini berlarutan terlalu lama, berlaku dengan sangat kerap dan tetap kerap terjadi selepas umur bayi setahun, sila beritahu doktor anda.“Bayi dengan penyakit refluks gastroesofagal mungkin tersedu lebih kerap. Jika sedu bayi terlalu kerap berlaku, beritahu doktor, lebih-lebih lagi jika bayi muntah dengan banyak atau batuk dan sangat meragam.” kata Lynette Manzur, Professor Pediatrik dalam Babycenter.com.

Jika Bayi Tersedu, Apa Nak Buat?

Anda boleh membiarkan sahaja bayi tersedu. Ia akan mengambil sedikit masa untuk menghilangkannya secar sendiri. Tapi anda boleh mengelakkannya dengan mengurangkan kuantiti angin yang masuk ke perut bayi. Saiz puting yang tidak sesuai boleh menyebabkan bayi menghisap udara. Ini mungkin menyebabkan bayi tersedu. Bagaimana nak tahu saiz puting adalah sesuai? ‘Bila anda menonggengkan botol susu bayi, anda sepatutnya dapat lihat titisan susu bukan aliran susu tanpa henti ke bawah’

Sendawakan bayi dengan menyandarkannya ke bahu. Bagi bayi yang lebih besar, biarkan dia duduk. Tepuk belakang bayi perlahan-lahan.

Terus menyusukan bayi walaupun bayi tersedu. Biasanya sedu bayi tidak mengganggu penyusuannya, malah mungkin ini akan membuatkan sedunya hilang. Tetapi jangan terlebih menyusukan juga kerana mungkin terlebih menyusu menjadi penyebab sedu bayi. Jika anda risau terlebih memberi susu, cuba beri susu bila bayi mahu (on-demand) bukannya mengikut jadual.

Click for more petua. ;)


Quit Yo-Yo Dieting and Get Real Results!


How many times have you started a diet in your life? Probably a lot more than just once. If you want to lose weight, you have to do it the right way. I'll tell you right now: Skipping meals or following an extremely low-calorie diet is not in any way, shape, or form the answer for losing any amount of weight. Extreme calorie deprivation only sets you up for yo-yo dieting, or "weight cycling." Your weight will continue to go up and down for the rest of your life. If you want permanent weight loss, then listen to me.

The lack of understanding about the right way to lose weight can set people up for big-time failure. Even if you do have initial success on one of these extreme diets, the toll it takes on your body is not at all worth it. Extreme diets that promise big weight loss in a short amount of time cut out macronutrients like carbs and fats — which is horrible for your hormone balance and your metabolism.

Why are you in this pattern of fasting, then slipping up and bingeing, then fasting again? Maybe you desperately want to lose weight for a special occasion and figure that only a couple of weeks at 800 calories a day can give you results you want. And maybe it does…but then what happens when you go back to a normal eating pattern? Simply put, you're toast. While you weren't taking in enough calories, your levels of T3, the thyroid hormone that boosts your metabolism, plummeted and you slowed down your metabolism. Also, your response to insulin has taken a hit, so instead of glucose entering your cells, where it can be used for energy, your body lets it roam around in your blood, where it can cause trouble. Your sensitivity to leptin (which regulates appetite) is also reduced, so you're never quite sure when to say, "Enough!" at the table. Plus, the hormone that tells your brain you're starving, called ghrelin, shoots higher than ever. That is just the beginning of your problems. When you inevitably start gaining back weight, you start the cycle of yo-yo dieting all over again. It gets more and more frustrating every time you do it.

It's time to end this vicious cycle, and the way to do that is not to "diet" but rather to make a lifestyle change. Shift your thinking from merely "cutting back" to simply eating proper portions of the right foods. Whole, nutritious foods will repair, nourish, and support every cell so that your body will work for you and not against you. Be good to your body and it will be good to you!

Want Some Inspiration?!

Tammy, Houma, Louisiana

I know a lot of you have decided to get in shape this year. If you ever doubt that you can do it on my program, take a look at my 2008 New Year Challenge Winner, Tammy. She looks AMAZING! Not only did she lose the weight — she been keeping it off for TWO years! She just emailed me these pictures and said: “Year two anniversary... January 5, 2010. 142 pounds gone... 11 to go.”
Her before shot:
(Does this shirt look familiar? See what she's holding up in the first photo!)

Think of Tammy for motivation the next time you feel like you can’t fit in that workout or you’re reaching for that comfort food. Tammy has worked hard and this is proof of the healthy person she has become. If you want to read more of her success story, check it out.

Are YOU going to be a future success story?! :)



Few updates sebab tak tau nak update ape. Lagi 2weeks 99HTN hari tu dah malas update menu. But still no rice.

I dont know exactly berat ada turun atau tak. Timbang selalunye penipu kat rumah mama cakap 2kg. Kononnye la.

Yang best, ada 2baju dah boleh pakai. Hari tu ketat ya robbi. Nak sarung pun seksa, dah sarung macam cempedak plak ghopenye. Sungguh memalukan! dan menakutkan! Then last 2 or 3 weeks try keluarkan sebab taktau nak pakai baju ape dah gi keje, try2 muat! Weee~! suka la I!


I dont know why dah tak terima newsletter dari blog kakak Jillian kita. Sungguh tak best. Mungkin hari tu dia cakap newsletter ni for 3months je kot. I'll try re-sign up balik. Nanti kalau dapat banyak info, i put on here ok! Sharing is caring. Never give up and stay strong for healthy life plus sexy body. Good luck.